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br This year marks years since countries signed
This year marks 20 years since 189 countries signed the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action and committed to prioritisation of women\'s empowerment and gender equality. Yet a recently released UN analysis shows that violence against women persists at “alarmingly high levels”. Worldwide, on
La representaci n colectiva de los ind genas se caracteriza
La representación colectiva de los indígenas se caracteriza por el tono apologético, idealizado, en el que el uso abundante de los superlativos contribuye thymidylate synthase inhibitors resaltar hiperbólicamente la naturaleza pacífica del nativo como “buen salvaje”: Siguiendo el esquema de las opo
Desde ese ngulo es visible c mo la Antig edad
Desde ese ángulo es visible cómo la Antigüedad vivía en la medida que era apropiada por los criollos: la gramática latina de Andrés Bello fue novedosa en cuanto explicó la lengua desde el castellano actual (y americano), con la conciencia que éste tenía una estructura distinta. Los símbolos grecorro
Como tercera cuesti n y de
Como tercera cuestión, y de suma relevancia, la economía argentina fue receptora de una muy pequeña inversión china, contrariamente bradykinin receptor antagonist la expectativa generada por la visita al país del presidente Hu Jintao, en noviembre de 2004. Se había supuesto, desde el gobierno argent
Seg n Patricia Fagen en su estudio cl sico
Según Patricia Fagen, en su estudio clásico sobre el exilio español, “un numero sorprendente de jóvenes participaron en el Movimiento 1959 y muchos más hubieran participado si hubiesen creído que había algo significativo con lo que hubieran podido contribuir”. El espíritu de ruptura con las disputas
If a structurally normal patient
If a structurally normal patient with polymorphic VT/VF storm has a completely normal baseline ECG, the possible diagnosis includes CPVT and idiopathic VF. CPVT is an inherited disorder of intracellular Ca2+ handling, which can cause polymorphic VT/VF storms [10]. Abnormal SR Ca2+ release from defec
In conclusion a rare KCNE D N
In conclusion, a rare KCNE1-D85N polymorphism may modify the LQTS phenotype in combination with other pathogenic LQTS-related gene mutations. Disclosures Conflict of interest Acknowledgments Introduction Atrial fibrillation (AF) is observed in 10–30% of patients with symptomatic glycoge
br Practical use of the Sweet Tip screw
Practical use of the Sweet Tip™ screw-in lead Entrapment of screw-in lead Entrapment is a relatively rare complication that can occur with the Sweet Tip™ screw-in lead as often as with other types of leads [13,14]. In the Sweet Tip™ lead, the helix might become exposed in the atrium and the ri
br What is the best pacing algorithm for
What is the best pacing algorithm for vasovagal syncope? Conclusions Conflict of interest Introduction The number of implantations of cardiovascular implantable electronic devices (CIEDs), including permanent pacemakers (PPMs), implantable cardioverter defibrillators (ICDs), and cardiac
All patients with symptomatic cardiac AL amyloidosis had poo
All 4 patients with symptomatic cardiac AL amyloidosis had poor prognoses. The median survival period for these 4 patients was 12.3 months (minimum=4 months, maximum=28 months) (Table 1). The patient in Case 2, whose BNP level was the highest of the 4 patients, had the shortest survival period. Howe
br Results Twenty seven bone
Results Twenty-seven bone lesions were analyzed in 27 patients. Twelve of the patients were female and 15 were male. The mean age of the patients was 58 years with a range of 21–84 years. Ten lesions were determined to be malignant and 17 benign. Benign lesions of bone dropped in signal on out-of
FD appears radiographically as radiolucent areas which later
FD appears radiographically as radiolucent areas which later develop into a partially opaque ground glass appearance [51]. Other features that may be present are endosteal scalloping, bony expansion, and a thick reactive bone ‘rind’ [54]. MR imaging may be a more effective tool at identifying the si
ICG which simply and non invasively measures
ICG, which simply and non-invasively measures changes in thoracic impedance generated by fluctuating blood volumes during the cardiac cycle, allows for the calculation of stroke volume, CO, and other derived parameters[17]. In recent years, the accuracy of ICG has been greatly improved by the advent
br Discussion Debate persists about how to best
Discussion Debate persists about how to best define the ER ECG pattern. There is consensus regarding definition of the malignant form of ER as a J-point elevation that could be (or not) associated with ST elevation [1]. In this case, a clear J-point elevation was seen, particularly in lead III (F
Para ofrecer una idea del car cter de la revista
Para ofrecer una idea del carácter de la revista, se analizan los textos que publicó Homero Garza en esa época. En su poesía la brisa tiene arterias, el agua, células, la voz se alimenta de fantasmas, el alma posee corteza, el llanto, piel, el letargo eleva espigas, las palabras tienen dientes de as
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