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br Current approaches to HIV prevention typically target
Current approaches to HIV prevention typically target people who are identified as, or self-identify, with being at risk. In Africa, 74% of new HIV infections are among adolescent girls aged 15–19 years, and AIDS-related illnesses are the leading cause of death among adolescent girls and women of
Data on chloroquine resistance from
Data on chloroquine resistance from Pakistan is scarce, even in the most recent global analysis. Nevertheless, in 2013, the emergence of the F1076L mutant of the gene—the Cy3-dCTP responsible for chloroquine resistance—in in Pakistan highlights the imminent threat of resistant . In 2015, the first c
br Methods br Results br Discussion br
Methods Results Discussion Conclusions Conflict of interest statement Introduction The origin of a nonsustained ventricular tachycardia (NSVT) can usually be estimated with the 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG) [1–3]; however, anatomical abnormalities sometimes make it difficult to c
In patients with surgically corrected CHD
In patients with surgically corrected CHD, the anatomic position of the atriotomy scar as the arrhythmogenic substrate is commonly found in the free wall and not in the septum [8]. The cause of this large area of low voltage (“atrial myopathy”) is unclear. Possible explanations include interruption
An ERP in the ECG has been shown
An ERP in the ECG has been shown to be familial [187–189]. ERP and ERS have been associated with variants in 7 genes. Consistent with the findings that IK-ATP activation can generate an ERP in canine ventricular wedge preparations, variants in KCNJ8 and ABCC9, responsible for the pore- forming and A
Si en cada figura novelesca habitan en potencia tantas ident
Si en cada figura novelesca habitan en potencia tantas identidades como lectores pueda tener, qué decir de un Rimbaud pictórico —la fórmula es de Cassou (1961b: 9)— que se nos ofrece rapsódicamente, descoyuntado, sin ensamblar. Un modelo para armar cuyo formato remite thymidine phosphorylase inhibit
Cy3.5 maleimide br POR QU UNA PO TICA DEL EXILIO
¿POR QUÉ UNA POÉTICA DEL EXILIO? A lo largo de nuestra investigación hemos seleccionado diversos autores y sus perspectivas que nos permiten analizar el objeto de estudio. Existe, por una parte, una dificultad por reconocer una problemática que atienda las necesidades de las producciones intelect
Benjam n Arditi por su parte ha desarrollado parte
Benjamín Arditi, por su parte, ha desarrollado parte de su obra en diálogo con y contra Laclau. En lo que nos ocupa, en una extensa reseña de La razón populista, Arditi repara en la triple sinonimia de populismo, hegemonía y política y, además, lanza un conjunto de observaciones agudas. Al igual que
It is noteworthy that even with low tumor
It is noteworthy that, even with low tumor burden in these patients following CR, peak value at CR status is still a useful indicator for OS, both in the whole cohort, and more importantly, in the intermediate-risk subgroup. Slope is mainly determined by tissue vascularization and perfusion, but cap
A type saddle back type
A type 2 (“saddle-back type”) or type 3 ST-segment elevation cannot substitute for a type 1, unless converted to type 1 with fever or sodium drug challenge. A drug challenge–induced type 1 can be used to diagnose BrS only if accompanied by 1 of the criteria specified above. Type 2 is characterized b
br Discussion This study shows that
Discussion This study shows that the risk of all-cause mortality in patients with atrial fibrillation is directly associated with RDW in a dose-response manner. This association was independent of known risk factors of mortality. Notably, RDW is associated with all-cause mortality regardless of a
br Methods br Results Characteristics of
Methods Results Characteristics of studies included in the analysis are described in the accompanying Lancet paper. We included 119 studies (58 from high-income countries and 61 from low-income and middle-income countries) in this transketolase analysis. Worldwide in 2010, an estimated 11 56
Many advocates assert that improved sanitation is a
Many advocates assert that improved sanitation is a basic human right. The main justification for this assertion is that sanitation is essential for achievement of health and promotion of human dignity. If the justification for investment in sanitation is a right based on privacy and human dignity,
Seg n Buitrago en Centroam rica
Según Buitrago, en Centroamérica prevaleció o fue determinante el último componente de la dsn proveniente de Estados Unidos. Es muy factible que quienes afirman que “la adopción y adaptación de la dsn en Guatemala anticiparon las de otros países de América Latina” aludan AZD6244 esa omnipresencia de
El fotorreportaje se divide en dos bloques El primero
El fotorreportaje se divide en dos bloques. El primero corresponde al contexto general del país presentado en los primeros tres reportajes, publicados el 19 y 26 de febrero y el 5 de marzo. El segundo bloque está dedicado 100% al grupo armado. Los textos de los cinco reportajes relatan el “inesperad
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